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This is an overview of the most common usage of WrapLayout. For more information about the available properties, methods, or events, head over to the complete API documentation for WrapLayout.

<WrapLayout> is a layout container that lets you position items in rows or columns, based on the orientation property. When the space is filled, the container automatically wraps items onto a new row or column.


Default wrap layout

The following example creates a row of equally-sized items. When the row runs out of space, the container wraps the last item on a new row.

<WrapLayout backgroundColor="#3c495e">
  <Label text="first" width="30%" height="30%" backgroundColor="#43b883"/>
  <Label text="second" width="30%" height="30%" backgroundColor="#1c6b48"/>
  <Label text="third" width="30%" height="30%" backgroundColor="#289062"/>
  <Label text="fourth" width="30%" height="30%" backgroundColor="#289062"/>

Vertical wrap layout

The following example creates a column of equally-sized items. When the row runs out of space, the container wraps the last item on a new column.

<WrapLayout orientation="vertical" backgroundColor="#3c495e">
  <Label text="first" width="30%" height="30%" backgroundColor="#43b883"/>
  <Label text="second" width="30%" height="30%" backgroundColor="#1c6b48"/>
  <Label text="third" width="30%" height="30%" backgroundColor="#289062"/>
  <Label text="fourth" width="30%" height="30%" backgroundColor="#289062"/>


orientationStringSpecifies the stacking direction.
Valid values: horizontal (arranges items in rows) and vertical (arranges items in columns).
Default value: horizontal.
itemWidthNumberSets the width used to measure and layout each child.
Default value: Number.NaN, which does not restrict children.
itemHeightNumberSets the height used to measure and layout each child.
Default value is Number.NaN, which does not restrict children.

Additional children props

